Hey, I'm Jill...

I guess this is where I'm supposed to write in third person and share a highlight reel with my background and credentials to show how successful and well-rounded I am.
But...I like to keep things real.
While I have credentials and have tasted success, my most valuable training came from living life and attending the school of hard knocks.
I have never fit in a box and cringe at the thought of it because I value freedom.
I believe we are called to grow and evolve.
Other than the "school of hard knocks," coaching is the space I have personally and professionally grown the most and a place I found to expand my entrepreneurial roots with the freedom to utilize my strengths and passion.
I am not a guru, but a fellow practitioner committed to the life-long journey of self-mastery. It is my vision and dream to build a life and business I love, be more present with those I spend time with, make an impact for the good while helping others achieve their goals and vision.
For those who dig the background info and to explain a little more of who I am and how I got here...
I grew up living in several cities in Missouri and California.
My early curiosity of mind-body-spirit connection inspired studies in Psychology, Kinesiology with a degree in Communication Disorders from Harding University. My entrepreneurial roots opened the doors leading me to my coaching practice today. I am a graduate of Coach for Life (ICF certified program) and a trained professional business coach by EOS Worldwide. I have drawn from real-life experience, human science, continued training in life coaching, business coaching, mindfulness, and more.
Other than coaching, I have found the deeper meaning of joy in spending time with my family, co-parenting through the highs and lows of five fantastic, active kids. I get a thrill out of nature and enjoy travel, reading, researching, connecting with people, water, yoga, and exercise.